Friday 25 November 2011

Putting Your heart into it

Being a Science teacher comes with its share of perks. In this case its the ability to handle different items for the purpose of science experiments. In my class I have students who use hunting as a means of sport and recreation on the weekends, and from this I saw an ability to have a little fun. We are currently covering the unit on the human body and how all the organs work together to make the body run smoothly. Since many of my students use hunting as fun I opened up the option to bring some of the body parts in for us to dissect. The first organ that arrived was the heart of a deer. Now I did take precautions with it, I did have it in a plastic bag for safety reasons.

Now since I was not going to be using the heart for a few weeks I didn't see a point in wasting it by leaving it in  the fridge the whole time. I decided to have a little hide and go seek game with one of my students. She is always the kind of student who is prepared and willing to participate and this makes the prank just that extra bit fun. We will call her Swan for the sake of identity. Swan was a little bit tardy arriving to the after lunch homeroom meeting which allowed me the chance to get the entire class involved. We used the back story that we are going to make Christmas Cards for the retired people in Bonnyville. This was used so I could get her to go into her desk and grab her scissors, markers, etc to make the "cards". What i didn't know was that she had moved all of her items to her cubby that morning. So she was sitting there all excited and ready to go when she asked why everyone was looking at the whole prank was almost ruined. Finally another girl calmly asked if she could use her scissors for cutting a card. So Swan returned to her desk and grabbed her pencil case without grazing the thawing heart in her desk. Panicking I finally resolved to asking everyone to clean out their desks before we begin. At last the result we all wanted happened, Swan reached into her desk and froze. She pulled out a cold object wrapped in plastic and just starred at it. The realization finally hit about a second later when the frozen heart went for a flight about 10 ft in the air landing on the desk of he neighbor.  She jumped up waving her hands in disgust like girls do and holding her hands to her mouth in aww of what she just grabbed.

This story turned even better when she announced she thought it was the ice pack that a student during lunch had lost. She was so convinced that it was his that she never bothered to look at it until she had it right in her hands out of her desk. She was a great sport about the whole deal and has since then been determined to get me back for it....I'm still waiting.

Thank you Swan for making my first entry a memorable one.


Thursday 24 November 2011

The Start

The first thing you have to know is that this blog is starting after I have been with these kids for about two months. The best thing about being with 12 and 13 year old kids is that they are still not too cool to be completely ridiculous when an opportunity arises. Because of this I felt this blog is the best option to remember all my stories and since I just have too many funny instances, ill forget them as time goes by. Many of these stories will include many of the same kids; lets be honest some are just funnier than others.

Hope you enjoy the stories to come as much as I did